Tuesday 13 March 2012

Subscription by e-mail and Contact me button

For those of you who are interested in receiving the blog new posts by e-mail, I added the gadget 'Follow by e-mail' on the sidebar.

You just have to enter your e-mail address (it doesn't have to be the gmail one, just the address you regularly use) and follow the directions. That way, every time somebody posts in the blog, you will receive the post in your mail account. Easy, right?

I also added a Contact Me button so you can e-mail me from the Outlook Express, or any other e-mail manager you use. However, if you don't have the Outlook installed or configured, it won't be of much use, sorry.

Good Luck!!

Interesting links gadget

Notice I added an 'Interesting links' gadget, and published links to some sites I commonly use. I thought it could be a good addition to the blog if we shared links to ESL web-sites and pages.

If you know any other sites that you think could be useful for us, just sent me an e-mail with the URLs (copy the address from the address bar in the internet browser, and paste it in the mail), and I'll publish them too.


Friday 2 March 2012

Escala de notas

Escala para notas escritos y exámenes, ciclo básico y bachillerato